Dairy Farmers beware!
Hi, Dairy Farmers
Another warning!
Does not matter where in the world you are, this is sure to come your way eventually.
Read more here: http://www.signonsandiego.com/news/state/20060609-2213-ca-dairypollution.html
Dairy regards,
Leon the Milkman
Milkman – thing of the past?
Hi, Milk Fans
Well maybe not. Milkmaidens on the rise however -Â now who minds that? 😉
Read it all here:
Kind regards,
Leon the Milkman
Gielie comes to visit Elsenburg
Hi, South African Dairy Farmers
Gielie de Kock came to visit the lab today to bring some milk samples for the new Milkoscan and to give his support to the lab. Gielie was a major force in motivating the purchase of the new machine at Elsenburg. We thank him for that and hope that the Western Cape Dairy Farmers will soon follow when Milk Recording will commence at Elsenburg.
Kind regards and a good weekend,
Leon the Milkman
Comparing cow, goat and soy milk
The best way to approach this subject is with an open mind and also to compare the different products point for point, e.g. the fat percentage and composition between all the milks, and doing the same for every component.
Another important consideration in this case is the fact that we are using milk as removed in the natural soy milk method that has been used for centuries. This was done to give a true indication of the soy, because different manufacturers adapt the soy to their own standards; adding less or more sugar, fat and other additives.
Read the rest of the article at http://www.dairy-info.org/
Kind regards,
Multilingual Cheese
Hi, Cheese fans
Ever wonder what your favourite snack is called round the world? Check it out:
Fromage   Formaggio  Cheese  Kaas  Kase  Queso  Quijo  Cais  Ost  Juusto  Ssyr  Sir  Sajt  Syr  Peyniri  Panir  | French   Italian  English  Dutch  German  Spanish  Portuguese  Irish  Scandinavian  Finnish  Russian  Polish  Hungarian  Yugoslavian  Turkish  Hindi  |
Kind regards,
Leon the Milkman
Angola has huge dairy potential
Angola has a livestock potential favouring the development of dairy projects throughout the country, said Monday in Luanda veterinary physician, Kussonga Jordão.
Read more by clicking the following link:
Kind regards,
Leon the Milkman
Yoghurt Stabiliser
Hi, Yoghurt Fans
It should be no secret that commercial yoghurt has stabilisers added. What is that? Stabilisers range from starch based, to gums to gelatin(not in Kosher products). Anybody that has ever made yoghurt will know that because of the acidity of the product some free moisture will form whenever we scoop some out or break the set structure in some way.
Because commercial yoghurt has to be transported as well it is thus essential that some stabiliser be added. Some are just for thickening the product and others have functional properties as well, like giving a creamy mouthfeel.
When using stabilisers in yoghurt we must determine the stabiliser to be acid tolerant(yoghurt pH about 4-4.5) and enzyme tolerant. Best to ask the manufacturer if you are planning to make you own stabiliser mix or wanting to try something new.
Kind Regards,
Leon the Milkman
Compost barn is a perfect fit for this dairy operation
Milk production has increased and foot problems have decreased since the cows on Clover Glen Farm moved into their new compost barn.
Read more at http://webstar.postbulletin.com/agrinews/147742716206789.bsp
 Kind Regards,
Leon the Milkman
High Coliforms in raw milk?
Hi, Dairy Farmers
Do you have high coliform bacteria counts on raw milk?
The reasons could be infection, even something like dust from construction taking place on your premises.
Another reason – your bulk tank could be taking too long to cool the milk after milking. Top farmers shoot for all the milk to be chilled to under 4°C in half an hour, but most will go for 2 hours. If it takes longer than this, you are looking for trouble.
Do not however set the bulk tank to such low temperatures that the first milk into the tank freezes – this will pop fat globules that can contribute to oiling off (lower butterfat analyses – less money to you) or rancidity, because lipase will be released.
Kind regards,
Leon the Milkman
Control Samples for milk analyses
Hi, Dairy Scientists
When using control samples on your automated milk composition tester or otherwise, make sure that the samples you use as controls are close in composition to the samples you are going to analyse.
Using skim milk samples to check a machine that you are going to do full cream milk tests on, is not the best of ideas.
Rather see of you can calibrate different channels to test skim and full cream on.
Kind regards,
Leon the Milkman