Leon the Milkman

Anything dairy-related

Dairy farmers, churches partner to fight hunger

Hi, Milk Fans

Five dairy farms in Cayuga County (Aurora Ridge Dairy, Willet Dairy, Sunnyside Farm, Scipio Springs Dairy and Oakwood Farms) and three Ithaca area churches created a local partnership, dubbed “Adopt a Cow,” to raise funds to rebuild cattle herds in Mozambique.

Read the rest by clicking the following link:


Kind regards,

Leon the Milkman

FREE Cheese Tasting Terms Guide

Hi, Cheese fans

Join www.dairy-info.org as a member.

You get a free guide that will make you sound like a cheese guru – yes, all those gourmet terms used in judging cheese!  The guide is designed in PDF format to be printed and has enough space to tick certain terms and in that way by writing the name, age and date at the top, you have a very accurate record of that cheese.


Leon the Milkman


Dairy cooperatives face July 1 deadline on CWT

“Dairy cooperatives have until July 1 to decide if they will pay a dime assessment to belong to Cooperatives Working Together.

CWT, a voluntary self-help program started by the dairy industry in July 2003, offers herd retirement and export assistance programs in an effort to control the US milk supply and keep farm milk prices stable. ”

Check for yourself if you think this is viable elsewhere in the world, by clicking on the following link:


 Kind regards,

Leon the Milkman


Balanced Milk

Hi, Milk Fans

You know why I always say milk is balanced?

Well if you look at the composition of cow and goat milk, you will see that the fat, protein and lactose(carbohydrate) is more balanced than in almost any other food.  This helps regulate blood sugar and gives you all-round nourishment throughout the day.

Kind regards,

Leon the Milkman

How do you divide calories through the day?

Hi, Dairy Dieters

Most diets tell you to cut calories towards the end of the day.  I think this is valid and I understand the reasoning that it helps you not to go to bed with a full stomach.  What I have found though is that people that do this are eating too many calories anyway and need to cut back further.

When your calories are low enough you can eat the same amount of calories at every meal. I find that people that cut back at the end of the day, usually are very hungry the next day and this will cut into their reserves too much.

Also keep moderate amounts of fats, protein and carbohydrate in your diet and in all meals as the fat and protein slows down digestion.  This means less up and downs in your blood sugar.  As long as you are eating less calories than your body needs to maintain weight, you will lose, no matter what you eat. 

Kind regards,

Leon the Milkman

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I'm Leon the Milkman,  dairy specialist and  professional cheese experimenter.

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