Anything dairy-related

Modern buttermilk?

Hi, Milk Fans

Traditionally buttermilk is the milk that is released once butter has been churned from cream.  It has the composition of skim milk basically and about the same nutritional value.  These days buttermilk is mostly made from adding some lactic acid bacteria to skim milk.  This is done, because buttermilk does not have the stability that is required to repasteurise it, so that it can stand in the shops for some time.

Traditional buttermilk can thus be sweet or acidified by lactic acid bacteria and is much thinner in consistency than the “buttermilk” we buy in the shops today.  

With the modern way the consumer gets a product of better physical quality and that has the same nutritional value as traditional buttermilk.

Thought you would like to know 😉

Leon the Milkman

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