Whipping Cream
Hi, Dairy Fans
Cream will whip if the fat content exceeds 30% and if the cream is cold, because the fat has to be in a solid state. The cream must have been cold for some time to allow complete crystallization of the fat.
Remember: Drink Milk!
Kind regards,
Leon the Milkman
5c to save a herd..
Hi, Dairy Farmers
Go ahead and see what the industry is coming to.
Click on http://www.thewest.com.au/default.aspx?MenuID=77&ContentID=8959
Will generic marketing be the answer? Can people still stand together?
Drink your milk.
Kind regards,
Leon the Milkman
Cheese.za.net link
Milk and Your Skin
Hi, Milk Fans
“From the ancient Egyptians to modern day skincare gurus, every smart girl knows that milk is for more than drinking. According to studies, your skin responds well to the healing properties of milk, both internally and externally, which is why it is not only great to drink but also great for your skin.”
Read the rest at:
Get that tub full of milk.
Kind regards,
Leon the Milkman
Modern buttermilk?
Hi, Milk Fans
Traditionally buttermilk is the milk that is released once butter has been churned from cream. It has the composition of skim milk basically and about the same nutritional value. These days buttermilk is mostly made from adding some lactic acid bacteria to skim milk. This is done, because buttermilk does not have the stability that is required to repasteurise it, so that it can stand in the shops for some time.
Traditional buttermilk can thus be sweet or acidified by lactic acid bacteria and is much thinner in consistency than the “buttermilk” we buy in the shops today. Â
With the modern way the consumer gets a product of better physical quality and that has the same nutritional value as traditional buttermilk.
Thought you would like to know 😉
Leon the Milkman
Jeanne, the Cheese Underground Lady
Hi, Cheese Fans
I just exchanged links with a wonderful lady who is discovering Wisconsin dairy artisans, one cheese at a time.  If you want to read well written and researched articles on this topic, please click on the following link:
Kind regards,
Leon the Milkman
How to evaluate cheese like a pro!
Hi, Cheese Fans
Pop over to http://www.dairy-info.org/ to read this cheesy article…
Kind Regards,
Leon the Milkman
Freezing milk bulk tank
Hi, Milk Fans
If your bulk tank is freezing it’s set too cold and you stand a chance of developing rancidity in the milk. This is because the formed ice crystals puncture the fat globules, releasing lipase. Be sure to not switch the tank on too early – some people like to do this to give the tank a “running start”, before the milk is pumped in.
When the milk freezes, it also concentrates the milk solids, making the milk sweet and increasing the viscosity.
Kind regards,
Leon the Milkman
Sept. 2006 Cheese Course
Hi, Cheese Fans
New Cheese Makers ala Leon the Milkman.
Of course they all said “Cheese!”
Cheese Course
Hi, Guys
I’m presenting a cheese course again for the next two days and I hope to post a pic tomorrow on the blog and the rest of the pics will go to http://www.dairy-info.org/
Kind regards,
Leon the Milkman