Forgot to milk the cows? – won’t happen again!
Talk about serious issues!! According to Reuters an employer in India beheaded one of his workers for not milking his cows. He should drink more milk – it calms you.
I’m off 😉
Leon the Milkman
My INTEC Course released
Hi, Guys
Check the South African Magazines for the Intec distance learning courses – my new “The Art of Cheesemaking Course” has been released.  If you want a qualification in that direction of the food industry, why don’t you apply?
Drink your milk.
Professor Milkman 😉
CheeseNet.info link
Hi, Friends
Do not be scared when you suddenly cannot read the milkman’s posts – I will be putting on some Afrikaans posts for my homies from now on – Ja, mense – heeltemal reg – die melkman gaan nou ook bietjie Afrikaans skryf – so julle kan nou kom lees oor kaasmaak, kaasbaddens, melk en kaasfeeste in julle eie taal!
Leon die Melkman
The Richest Milkman in the West
A Story of intrigue 😉
Rather just drink your milk,
Leon the Milkman
Well, I am the milkman after all ;-) and I care!
Title: Daily Simple Tips To Improve Breast Health
Author: Julie Walker
Medical experts recommend the following measures to best protect
your breasts while maximizing your overall health:
Sensuality and sexuality are not opposed to or the enemy of
spirituality. Celebrate the sensuality of your body!
Expose your breasts to sun and moonlight. It feels good to
experience the sun, sea, and air on the rest of your body at
topless beaches or in the privacy of your back yard!
Eat a little of soy-based products, such as soy milk, tofu, and
tempeh regularly can help blocking the tendency for breast
tissues to bond with extra estrogens that can cause disorder in
healthy the functioning of breast tissue.
Do not smoke cigarettes or other tobacco products – Like
alcohol, smoking has been linked to breast cancer.
Eat a well-balanced diet – Include lots of fruits and
vegetables, and keep your intake of fried foods, red meat, and
junk food to a bare minimum. Prevent taking hydrogenated fats
like margarine and vegetable shortening. (Be conscious of
products that are in many store-bought crackers, cakes, and
cookies – even health-store brands.) Cook with olive, peanut,
sunflower, or sesame oils and butter or – better still –
clarified butter (ghee) on bread.
Color TVs, microwave ovens, and computer screens release
radiation that can cause damaged tissue. Use protected computer
display terminals and try to keep a good distance like 3m away
from your TV. Do not stand right next to your microwave. Try to
avoid using microwave, and use healthier cooking methods like
your over or stove as more nutrients will be kept.
Enjoy nurturing yourself. You need to massage your breasts
and/or pamper yourself with a massage or your favorite spa
treatment. It is a MUST survival skill.
Do not use underarm deodorant that contains aluminum salts or
other compounds. Aluminum is a heavy metal that can enter the
blood and lymph systems through the skin and severely challenge
the immune system.
The above information is found in Ms Yvonne Lee, internationally
acclaimed book “To All Women Who Want To Enhance Their Breasts
Naturally, But Don’t Know How To Start”. It describes and
details the most important breast enhancement techniques from
every corner of the world. Author Yvonne Lee, provides an
unbiased pro-and-con analysis of each technique, in addition to
practical information such as how and where to get it, cost, and
potential impact on insurance coverage. The ebook version of the
book is now available at: http://www.breastenhancementbook.com
ANBES.com is offering Free Sample, Limited Period Only. Latest
Nanotechnology Breast Enhancement Serum That Show Immediate
Results In 5 Minutes … While stock last! Consists of Pueraria
Mirifica. Hurry Click Here Now> http://www.anbes.com/article/
About the author:
Julie is the customer service guru of ANBES.com. Get latest
Nanotechnology Breast Enhancement Serum That Show Immediate
Results In 5 minutes. Go to: http://www.anbes.com/article/
Cheese Festival coming!
Hi, Guys
The biggest cheese festival in South Africa is coming up and I have my ticket! Thanks, Agri-Expo!
Remember to drink your milk!
Leon the Milkman
Link to CapePlant!
Hi, Guys
Just linked to www.CapePlant.com – a new site for used Plant Equipment in South Africa. At the moment only TLB’s, but lots of agricultural equipment and construction plant equipment to be added soon. Their blog is at www.CapePlant.com/blog
Drink your milk,
Leon the Milkman
South African National Dairy Championships
Leon the Milkman judged again at this fantastic event organised by Agri-Expo. Everything ran smoothly and it was nice to see all the faces again. Judges from all over the country as well as 2 international judges participated. I must have had 67 yoghurts alone – thanks to Kobus Mulder – sadist!
I will post some more pics tomorrow – Also tomorrow is my last day at Esenburg Dairy Lab.
Leon the Milkman
Click the PLAY icon to listen:
[audio:Agri-Expo 2007 – Master.mp3]